.. _multiple_tables_sec: Defining the data in multiple tables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are six basic types of data that can be input in a ``CHARACTERISTIC_CURVES`` block, and each has a keyword which is followed by the name of the table block from which the data is to be taken. The following example shows the use of keywords like KRW_TABLE to identify which TABLE block is to be used. :: CHARACTERISTIC_CURVES ch1 KRW_TABLE swfn_table KRG_TABLE sgfn_table KRO ECLIPSE KRO_TABLE sof3_table END TABLE swfn_table PRESSURE_UNITS Bar EXTERNAL_FILE swfn_file.dat END TABLE sgfn_table PRESSURE_UNITS Pa EXTERNAL_FILE sgfn_file.dat END TABLE sof3_table EXTERNAL_FILE sof3_file.dat END / The following keywords can be used within the CHARACTERISTIC_CURVES block to specify which table a saturation curve must be taken from: .. contents:: :backlinks: top :depth: 2 :local: PC_OW_TABLE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Selects the table block to be used for the capillary pressure curve between oil and water, :math:`P_{cow} =P_o -P_w`. :: PC_OW_TABLE PC_OG_TABLE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Selects the table block to be used for the capillary pressure curve between oil and gas, :math:`P_{cog} =P_g -P_o`. :: PC_OG_TABLE KRW_TABLE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Selects the table block to be used for the water relative permeability curve, :math:`K_{rw}(S_w)`. :: KRW_TABLE KRG_TABLE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Selects the table block to be used for the gas relative permeability curve, :math:`K_{rg}(S_g)`.:: KRG_TABLE KROW_TABLE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Selects the table block to be used for the oil in water relative permeability curve at zero gas saturation, :math:`K_{row}(S_w,S_o=1-S_w,S_g=0)`. :: KROW_TABLE KROG_TABLE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Selects the table to be used for the oil in gas relative permeability curve at connate water saturation, :math:`K_{row}(S_g,S_o=1-S_g-S_{wco},S_w=S_{wco})`. :: KROG_TABLE For Todd-Longstaff mode runs, KRH_TABLE should be used rather than KROW_TABLE, as it applies to the hydrocarbon saturation :math:`(S_h =S_o +S_s )` rather than just the oil saturation.