.. _diff_coeff_sec: :index:`DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT` ----------------------------------------------- The phase molecular diffusion coefficients may be entered in the GAS_WATER, COMP3 and COMP4 modes. These are entered in FLUID_PROPERTY blocks. See example: :: FLUID_PROPERTY PHASE LIQUID DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT 2.0d-9 / FLUID_PROPERTY PHASE GAS GAS_DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT 2.0d-5 / The diffusion coefficients are entered in m2/sec. If not entered, the diffusion coefficients default to the following values: * liq_diff_coeff = :math:`1.0 \times 10^{-9} m^2 /\mbox{sec}` * gas_diff_coeff = :math:`2.13 \times 10^{-5} m^2 / \mbox{sec}` Internally the simulator uses the liquid molecular diffusion as entered by the user, while it modifies the gas molecular diffusion with corrections that accounts for pressure and temperature: .. math:: D_{\mbox{gas}} = \mbox{gas_diff_coeff} \frac{101235}{P} \left[ \frac{T+273.15}{273.15} \right]^{1.8} Note that the pressure and temperature in the equation above are in Pascal and degree Celsius.