.. _gas_ideal_sec: Ideal Gas Law ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Defines an ideal gas, for example: :: EOS GAS DENSITY IDEAL ENTHALPY IDEAL_CO2 VISCOSITY CONSTANT 0.03 cP END The enthalpy of the ideal gas can defined specified as IDEAL_METHANE, or IDEAL_CO2. This value cannot be defaulted for thermal problems or the code will return an error. Viscosity units are optional, if not entered defaults to :math:`Pa.s` The density is modeled with the gas ideal law. .. math:: \rho( P , T )= \frac{P}{RT}, where: .. math:: R = 8.31446, the gas ideal constant, units :math:`J/(\mbox{mol} K)`. The Enthalpy will be computed differently based on the type of ideal gas selected above. For IDEAL_METHANE the Enthalpy will be computed as: .. math:: h(T )=c_p T, where .. math:: c_p = 35.69, the constant pressure heat capacity of methane, units J/(mol K), at T = 288.15 K, P=1 bar. For IDEAL_CO2 the Enthalpy will be computed as: .. math:: h(T )=c_v T +RT, where: .. math:: c_v = 28.075, the constant volume heat capacity of |CO2|, units :math:`J/(\mbox{mol} K)`, at T = 15 C and P= 1 atm.