GAS-WATER: flow condition to initialize a study with constant pressure and saturations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the Gas-Water model there are three possible states in any region: 1) Undersaturated water: only the aqueous phase is present. 2) Undersaturated gas: Vapour phase only present. 3) Saturated: both phases are present. For a region in the undersaturated water state, you must specify the pressure of the aqueous phase, and the mole fraction concentration of the dissolved gas as in the following example: :: FLOW_CONDITION initial TYPE LIQUID_PRESSURE dirichlet GAS_IN_LIQUID_MOLE_FRACTION dirichlet TEMPERATURE dirichlet END LIQUID_PRESSURE 1.20D7 Pa GAS_IN_LIQUID_MOLE_FRACTION 1.D-6 TEMPERATURE 45.0d0 C END Note that the mole fraction does not include the salt in the brine - this will be moles of |CO2|/ (moles of water+moles of |CO2|) For a region in the unsaturated vapour state, you must specify the pressure of the vapour phase, and the mole fraction concentration of the water vapour as in the following example: :: FLOW_CONDITION initial TYPE GAS_PRESSURE dirichlet WATER_IN_VAPOR_MOLE_FRACTION dirichlet TEMPERATURE dirichlet END GAS_PRESSURE 1.20D7 Pa WATER_IN_VAPOR_MOLE_FRACTION 1.D-5 TEMPERATURE 45.0d0 C END For a region in the saturated state, you must specify the pressure of the aqueous phase, and the saturation of the gas phase as in the following example: :: FLOW_CONDITION initial TYPE LIQUID_PRESSURE dirichlet GAS_SATURATION dirichlet TEMPERATURE dirichlet END LIQUID_PRESSURE 1.20D7 Pa GAS_SATURATION 0.5 TEMPERATURE 50.0 C END