Fluid component Properties
In this section some of the fluid and material property options available within PFLOTRAN are mentioned.
Water: Trangenstein Density Modeling
\[\rho = \frac{A_0 + A_1 T + A_2 T^2 + A_3 T^3 + A_4 T^4 + A_5 T^5 }{1+ A_6 T^6} e^{ c_{pw} (P_p − A_7 ) },\]
&A_0 = 999.83952 \\
&A_1 = 16.955176 \\
&A_2 = –7.987\cdot10^{−3} \\
&A_3 = –46.170461\cdot10^{−6} \\
&A_4 = 105.56302\cdot10^{−9} \\
&A_5 = –280.54353\cdot10^{−12} \\
&A_6 = 16.87985\cdot10^{−3} \\
&A_7 = −10.2 \\
&c_{pw} = 0.0003947693 \mbox{ MPa}
with the temperature \(T\) given in degree Celsius and \(\rho\) in \(\mbox{kg/m}^3\).
Water: Grabowsky viscosity model
\[\mu_w = \frac{A_w}{ −1+ B_w T +C_w T^2_F},\]
&A_w =2.1850 \\
&B_w =0.04012 \\
&C_w =5.1547\cdot 10^{−6}
and the temperature \(T\) given in degrees Fahrenheit and \(\mu\) in \(cP\).