Reservoir simulator benchmarks
For the user interested to check the code against typical reservoir simulator benchmarks, the input files of three cases are provided: SPE1, SPE3, SPE5 and SPE10.
The input files will run as provided and follow the specifications given in the literature. No detailed instructions are given: the user can consult the key reference of each benchmark for its problem description, and this wiki for the explanation of the input instructions.
This SPE1 benchmark is taken from [O+81], and it models the second variable bubble point case
Input files:
This SPE3 benchmark is taken from [KB87], and it models 9 hydrocarbon component version of the problem from Arco.
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This SPE5 benchmark is taken from [KK+87], and it models the 4-component Todd-Longstaff version of the problem.
Input files:
This SPE10 benchmark is taken from [CB+01], and it models the full-size version of the problem with no upscaling.
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